Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This Blog Has Been a Success

In this, my final post on this blog, I am pleased to report that the original vision of the blog has been achieved!  The Current has agreed to publish Strip #2 in their senior issue.  If I'm not mistaken, the release date of that issue is Wednesday, May 12.  So, to my followers, keep your eyes peeled!

Thanks to everyone for making this possible.  Professors Grugel and Moore for forcing me to create something of this order, and Nick and Adam for commenting along, even if only because you had to.  I hope it was as entertaining for those of you who had to read it as it was for me to write it. 

If I ever find the time to continue this comic once the coursework ends, I may create one last blog post linking to a website where you may view the new comics.  Once again, thank you to all!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Comic 2 Complete

Alright!  Comic #2 has been colored and dialogue has been added.  I have been talking with a contact at The Current, which is why this image is the size it is--that is the size they need it if they decide to publish it.  My hope is that they'll include the semester-long fruits of this blog's labor in the senior issue this year.

You can click on the image to view the full-size image.  The Current also requires a horizontal layout, which is not my favorite but it's not a huge deal.  Not optimal for web viewing, but that's ok.

This will be the final comic produced on this blog, but hopefully I'll find the time to continue this hobby once I settle into a post-graduation routine.  Let me know what you think of it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Strip 2 Inks

With the time crunch on, I have gone forward and completed the pencil and ink phase of creating Strip #2.  This one was a little tougher to draw since it included some action and a difficult pose with Birdbrain resting atop Mush's head.  But the challenge also made it more fun since there was more variety in the poses and images.

I also think the script is stronger this time around, but I'd love to hear the comments regarding that on the post below this one!

New Script!

It's a race against the clock this time around as I try to create a finished product in time to get it published in The Current before they take the summer off.  So, let's quickly go back to square one and come up with a script for Comic #2.

Panel 1
[Birdbrain asleep atop Mush's head, Mush looking up at him]

Panel 2
[Mush looking forward now, towards the "camera"]
Mush: He's been up there for 3 hours now..

Panel 3
[Same pose]
Mush: I'd move or shake him off but the last time I did that, he was so startled he tried to peck my eyes out.

Panel 4
[Same pose]
Mush: I'd rather have my eyes than my pride, I think.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Live Texting Poll!

Courtesy of www.polleverywhere.com, here is a live, open-text poll that you can participate in!

Audio Aides for the Visually Impaired

A lot of popular webcomics will feature transcripts or audio versions of their comics to assist the visually impaired.  Especially considering the fonts of comics can often be very peculiar or small in this digital age, these audio aides are becoming more important in my opinion.

Thanks to the AudioPal tool we discussed in class this week, it is very easy to create these audio aides.  So to demo both the technology and the usefulness of these audio aides, I have created an AudioPal audio version of Comic #1.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Finished Product

So Comic #1 is at last complete.  With just a few minutes in Microsoft Paint, we can add dialogue and wrap up the process.  It would be nice to have some way to expedite the overall process.  Also, it is important for me to allot more space for text in my next drawing phase.  Alternatively, I could select a smaller font.  But our multi-week journey is at last over!

I will not be presenting this one to The Current.  I want to try for a bit cleaner final product during my second go-round.